DRUMUL MARAMUREȘULUI — Brand Strategy · Brand Identity · App · Communication
Nature and culture
Drumul Maramureșului, which translates as Maramureș Way, is a long-distance walking & cycling trail that connects 700km of nature and culture in the traditional north of Romania. The brand idea we defined is deep travel, encouraging tourists to give the place more time.
The previous logo in the local touristic landscape
The MM zigzag
The new identity is based on the shortcut that Romanians use, Maramureș = MM. Our twist was to turn it into a rounded zigzag, to reflect the promised journey: deep, slow and easy, rolling down the hills in the countryside. The design and animation are guided by the words of Paul Klee: “Take a line for a walk”.
Old and new
The symbol is joined by a lively colour palette inspired from the local culture and two complementary typefaces which evoke tradition and modernity, craft and nature, old and new— Infini and Futura.
Knowing that the trail would be marked with milestones, our search started with a challenging question — What symbol can we possibly create so that it’s good enough to be carved in stone? We aimed for something familiar to the locals, unintrusive, relevant for the travel experience and hopefully timeless.

Video credits
Motion & sound design: Rivulet Studio. Photos: Most of them are taken right on the trail, some are ours from the documentation trips. Others are borrowed, thanks to: Eduard Gutescu, Călător prin Maramureș, Teofil Ivanciuc, Zig Zag prin România, Cătălin Enache and Costas Dumitrescu.